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Who? John Gosnell (Goz, G�ssnull)

What? Goz, or Employee #3, has three functions in the band - first is to play bass.� Simple but effective basslines are all that are needed to compliment the amazing "lead drumming" style of his rhythm section partner in crime.� The second function is to write songs.� Ranging from corrupt leaders (Child's Eyes), religious hatred, domestic violence (She Fought Back)and suicide -- to heartfelt love songs (Us), goofy satire and the 'don't hold anything back' message of songs like I could die tomorrow, his music (he hopes) can make people laugh or cry, get angry or feel at ease.� Third function, quite simply, is to either amuse or confuse everyone else with his "occasionally coherent" rambling.

When? 23/01/82, after that it's all a mystery.

Where? Home (Muirkirk), RDHS, Superpig, NFS on PS at Batenuts', Turquoise Ct, and occasionally outer space ("None of my friends live there, expect a few".)

Why? Often asking himself the same question.

